This real life breastfeeding story was written and shared by Laid Back Lactation client Susan M. 


I thought nursing twins was going to be hard—time consuming and physically demanding—I had myself prepped for that. I talked to my husband about tandem nursing and how he would have to help, especially in the middle of the night and I got all the pillows to make dual nursing easier. 

I felt prepared going in and very optimistic that while it would be hard—I could do it!

Then my boys were born, full term twins—yay! I got my skin-to-skin and nursed right away. Nicholas latched immediately and my nurse raved about his latch and the colostrum I was producing. Then Jack. Oh Jack. I'd heard all about tongue ties and supply issues but this—my nipple was too big for his tiny mouth! 

Hahaha ... writing this now I laugh because it just sounds so ridiculous. But at the time-the time when all the feelings were pouring out of my eyeballs—it was not funny but heartbreaking. He couldn't latch and the only solution I was being offered was "when he gets bigger." I mean—what kind of solution is that??

So they wheeled in the hospital pump and I hooked up for the first time. 

And that's my story—I've been pumping since my boys were 4 hours old and I continue to do so. 

Eventually Jack did get bigger and he did latch—but it's never been his favorite or most efficient so I deem it more "comfort nursing." I used to pump every time they ate. Every. Single. Time. 

Now while I feel like I have somewhat PTSD about 3 AM pumping sessions, it did get my supply up enough to feed them both full time. One of my proudest moments was the day I hit 70 oz—(I totally took a screen shot and sent it to a friend who was also a big pumper!) 

I only pump 4 times a day now that I'm back at work and I feel like a pro. I'm super proud that I've fed my tiny humans with my own body and even more proud of myself for sticking it out. I've done it all at this point-nursed, tandem nursed, pumped, bottle fed, used formula—and I have two chunky happy babies to show for it

My goal was to make it to 6 months. Now they're 8 1/2 and I don't plan to stop—1 year here we come! 

Need help with solving your breastfeeding issues?
Laid Back Lactation is here to help! Schedule your in-person consult now.